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However, the best solution would be to gain a general agree

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 However, the best solution would be to gain a general agree Empty However, the best solution would be to gain a general agree

Postaj  wangqian pon 10 vel 2014 - 7:47

In statistical Amuvatinib c-Met 阻害剤 calculations, Mann Whitneys and Spearmans tests were used, Statistical significance was set at a p value 0. 05. Results Table 3 represents mean percentage values of IHC positively stained cells for ER, PR, PAX 2, IGF 1R and B catenin in studied groups. ER, PR and PAX 2 demonstrated a nuclear type of reaction, IGF 1R staining was of a membranous type, B catenin demonstrated two staining patterns: one being nuclear and the other a dominant, membranous reaction, ER In our material, although we observed decreasing expres sion of ER parallel with decreasing histological differenti ation of cancer cells, we did not find statistically significant difference in ER expression according to the grade of EC, No correlation with FIGO staging was observed.<br><br> No differ ence in the positive ER rate was found when comparing diabetic and non diabetic subgroups of the EC patients, However, AT-406 1071992-99-8 it was shown that DM2 women with EC receiving insulin in monotherapy had a significantly higher ER expression than non diabetic women with EC, Moreover, patients treated with metformin demonstrated a statistically significant reduction in ER expression in comparison to the group receiving insulin in monother apy, PR Comparing EC of low and high grade, a reduced PR expression was found in samples with poorly differen tiated cells, However, no differences were observed in PR expression in relation to FIGO staging, the presence of diabetes, and the method of its treatment, No difference in the rate of positively stained cells was found in the EC group in relation to grading and FIGO staging.<br><br> Cancer patients with diabetes showed a significantly higher IGF 1R expression AG-490 JAK 阻害剤 then the non diabetic group, This trend is present in groups of women treated with metformin or other drugs, Comparing different types of anti diabetic treatments in EC patients, we did not find any significant changes in the expression of IGF 1R, B Catenin All cases under study, excluding one demonstrated a dominant, membranous reaction of B catenin. The group of diabetic EC patients did not show a difference in membranous protein expression in com parison to the control groups, No differences were demonstrated in relation to cancer grading or clinical advancement of the disease according to FIGO, However, although not statistically significant, patients on metformin monotherapy displayed a lower protein expression than those on insulin monotherapy, A nuclear reaction was found in 12 out of 86 EC samples, 8 cases concerning non diabetic and 4 cases concerning diabetic patients, Among diabetic patients, two cases were treated with metformin and two with insulin or sulfonyl urea derivatives.<br><br> Positive nuclear staining was found at both early and advanced stages of the disease and with low and high grade differentiation, PAX 2 The intensity of the nuclear reaction for PAX 2 was not statistically varied between DM2 EC patients and control groups, No differences were observed between FIGO staging and grading, and the type of anti diabetic drug administered, Discussion ER, PR, IGF 1R The increased risk of developing EC in women with DM2 is an indisputable fact, There is also clear evidence showing a positive association between the increased levels of circulating insulin and the incidence of endo metrioid adenocarcinoma, But despite numerous studies, there is still no unanimous data explaining the role of IGF 1 on endometrial carcinogenesis.


Broj postova : 96
Registration date : 28.11.2013

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