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No treatment related deaths were observed in this study. Ph

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 No treatment related deaths were observed in this study. Ph Empty No treatment related deaths were observed in this study. Ph

Postaj  jy9202 pet 21 vel 2014 - 7:28

After sequence confirmation, Tev muTyk2 Asp1016Ala was sub cloned into the pDEST20 expression vector using the GatewayW small molecule LR reaction to create an in frame fusion with an amino terminally encoded Glutathione S Transferase, The resulting expression plasmid, pDEST20 GST Tev muTyk2 Asp1016Ala, was confirmed by DNA sequencing. The entire expression cassette was then transferred to baculo virus. Virus production and amplifications were carried out according to Invitrogen LTI Bac To Bac system instructions. High titer virus stocks were made as recommended and used to infect Sf9 cells, cultured in Sf900II medium at 27. 5 C, at an estimated M. O. I of 2. 5 to 5. 0. Infected cells were harvested by centrifugation at 48 h post infection, which was optimal for Tyk2 protein expression.<br><br> Mouse Tyk2 Asp1016Ala protein pellet was suspended on ice in lysis buffer containing Buffer A in addition to 2X protease inhibi tor tablets, The resulting mix ture was sonicated three times with 20 second blasts. The mixture was then added to 10 mL of GST affinity resin for 2. 5 h, centrifuged Lenalidomide 分子量 at 1,000 × g, and washed. TEV protease was added to the resin and the mixture was loaded into a column; it was incubated for 2 h at room temperature, and additionally overnight at 4 C. The protein was then washed off with Buffer A and col lected as monitored by A280. The pooled protein was concentrated and dialyzed overnight into 50 mM HEPES pH 7. 5, 100 mM NaCl, 5 mM DTT, 1 mM ADP. The resulting protein was pooled and used dir ectly for crystallization trials.<br><br> Mouse Tyk2 crystallization Mouse Tyk2 protein was incubated with Compound 1 and concentrated to 10 mg mL. After 3 4 days, protein crystals grew using the vapor dif fusion method in sitting drop plates under the following condition: 4. 3 4. 7 M ammonium formate, 100 mM Tris pH 8. 0. Crystals were subsequently used for soaking inhibitors of interest. Compound 2 was soaked オーダー LY2603618 into the Tyk2 crystals by adding 1 uM inhibitor to a 100 uL well of harvest mother liquor. Crystals were frozen from mother liquor solution containing 20% glycerol. Mouse Tyk2 structure determination X ray diffraction data from mouse Tyk2 Compound 1 crystals were collected at the IMCA beamline 17ID at the Advanced Photon Source in Argonne, IL. The crys tals were maintained at 100 K with an Oxford Cryosys tems Cryostream cooler during data collection.<br><br> A total of 180 frames were collected at an oscillation range of 1. 0, The data were processed with the HKL2000 suite of programs. After determining the crystal orientation, the data were integrated with DENZO, scaled merged with SCALEPACK, placed on an absolute scale and reduced to structure factor amplitudes with TRUNCATE. Five percent of the unique reflections were assigned ran domly to the free set, for calculation of the free R factor, The remaining 95% of the reflections constituted the working set for calculation of the R factor, The x ray diffraction data and refinement sta tistics are summarized in Table 2. A maximum likelihood molecular replacement solution was determined using the program PHASER, One Tyk2 monomer was located in the asymmetric unit, in the space group P3121.


Broj postova : 209
Registration date : 16.12.2013

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