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It should be noted that the sensitivity prediction is per fo

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It should be noted that the sensitivity prediction is per fo Empty It should be noted that the sensitivity prediction is per fo

Postaj  fatewan630 čet 3 tra 2014 - 8:31

Signaling ARQ 197 Tivantinib effectors regulated by the identified differentially expressed miRs represents a potentially rich set of targets for therapeutic development. Results The differential expression was down regulated in 193, and up regulated in 612 of the 805 miRs in our study. Of the 193 down regulated miRs, 62 exhibited both significant FDR corrected p values and a 2x fold change, while 131 did not. Of the 610 up regulated miRs, 2 exhibited both signifi cant FDR corrected p values and a 2x fold change, while 610 did not. The results indicate that there is a statistically significant relationship between expres sion direction and dif ferential expression p value fold change, A plot of the differential expression of these data illustrates graphically the distribution of miRs that are both significant and meaningful, Those miRs lo cated both above the FDR corrected Log10 p value, and a greater than 2x Log2 fold change, are considered both significant and meaningful.<br><br> Grey col ored dots in the volcano plot represent those miRs that are either not significant or do not have a twofold dif ferential expression. Black dots represent those miRs that exhibit both a significant differential expression and a 2x fold change, and thus represent those 64 miRs considered for further study, A total of 64 miRs were identified as exhibiting both significant AZD0530 Saracatinib FDR corrected p values and a 2x fold change.<br><br> Of these 64 miRs, migratory edge cell expres sions were down regulated 2% of the time and up regulated 98% of the time, Migration restricted core cell expressions were down regulated 3% of the time and up regulated 97% of the time, Con versely, for the differential cell population expression, mean edge cell expression minus mean core cell expres sion, the differential buy Alvocidib expression was down regulated 97% of the time and up regulated 3% of the time, Recent studies have demonstrated that many of the significant miRs elucidated in our study have been previ ously implicated in tumor migration invasion in other cancers, including malignancies in the brain. For some of our identified miRs however, we were unable to find any prior literature that reported validated gene targets. To address this limitation, we utilized several available algorithms that predict gene targets in silico, such as TargetScan or PicTar. Additionally, resources are avail able that perform enrichment calculations on represen tative gene categories or biological pathways.<br><br> These groups could include such categories as signal transduc tion, cytoskeletal organization, adhesion, apoptosis, pro liferation, or transcription factors, For glioma cell migration, categories such as adhesion and cytoskeletal organization would be important to study further for verification. We turned to these bioinformatics ap proaches to obtain a wider view of potential genes and pathways that could be targeted by these identified miRs. We employed the DIANA mirPath pathway ana lysis web server to accomplish both target prediction and enrichment analysis. We used three gene target pre diction algorithms in mirPath: TargetScan v5, PicTar 4 way, and DIANA MicroT v4 to analyze the datasets as separate jobs, After the gene targets were pre dicted, mirPath calculated the enrichment of genes in all biological pathways available in the KEGG database.


Broj postova : 8
Registration date : 14.03.2014

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